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    This post gives an overview of keyboard customization options and recommendations. Our current options for our custom keyboards include size, switches, and keycaps.



    The sizes we currently offer are 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 96%, and 100%. A 100% keyboard is the size you are likely most accustomed to. It’s a full-size keyboard, including the numpad. One size down from that, the 96%, also includes a numpad. It is a slightly condensed keyboard compared to the 100%, moving the numpad closer to the arrow keys and moving them both closer to the main keyboard. The “0” key on the keyboard is smaller, and so are the “function,” “control,” and “alt” keys. The “end,” “page up,” “page down,” “scroll lock,” “delete,” and “home” keys are also moved upward to make more room. This size gives you all the standard keys in a smaller footprint. The 80% keyboard has the same spacing and layout as a 100% keyboard, without the numpad. The 75% keyboard shares the condensed arrow key spacing of the 96% and moves the “page up,” “page down,” “home,” “delete,” and “insert” keys inward to give you a smaller footprint. The 70% is similar to the 75%, the keys listed above are moved even closer, and the function row of keys is removed. The 65% size is slightly smaller than the 70%; some of the spacing returns on the side, but only the “insert,” “delete,” and “home” keys remain on the outside. The 60% goes back to an almost standard layout, where if you go from the 80% size and take off the function row at the top, the arrow keys, and the keys above, you are left with a 60%. Above are pictures of each size and layout for the keyboard options.


Name: Cherry MX Red

Actuation Force: 45g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Linear


Name: Cherry MX Blue

Actuation Force: 50g

Pre-travel Distance: 2.2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Clicky


Name: Cherry MX Brown

Actuation Force: 45g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Tactile


Name: Gateron G Pro 2.0 Red

Actuation Force: 45g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Linear


Name: Gateron G Pro 2.0 Blue

Actuation Force: 60g

Pre-travel Distance: 2.3mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Clicky


Name: Gateron G Pro 2.0 Brown

Actuation Force: 55g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Tactile


Name: Gateron G Pro 2.0 Yellow

Actuation Force: 50g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Linear


Name: Gateron G Pro 2.0 Black

Actuation Force: 60g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Linear


Name: Gateron Silent Brown

Actuation Force: 55g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Tactile


Name: Gateron Silent Black

Actuation Force: 60g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Linear


Name: Gateron Silent Red

Actuation Force: 45g

Pre-travel Distance: 2mm

Travel Distance: 4mm

Type: Linear


    The next option is switches. Before going into the specific switches offered, there are a few different switch specifications. That would be the actuation force, which is the force required for the key to be pressed; the pre-travel distance, which is how far you need to press down for a key to actuate; the travel distance, which is how far the key can be pressed down, and whether the switch is linear, tactile, or clicky. Linear is when you can press the switch straight down to the bottom, tactile is in the middle of the switch, there is a bump you hit which is when the key actuates, and clicky has the same bump but also produces an audible click when it is pressed. Additionally, the switches labeled as “silent” are quieter than those not. Above are the specifications for the switches we currently offer. We recommend a Gateron G Pro 2.0 switch, whichever type you prefer. We also continually add new switch options, so check back regularly to see our new options.


    The last option we offer is keycap colors. There is no right way to choose a color—please pick whatever best suits you and your keyboard.


Keyboard Customization

Posted: 4/30/2023

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